
When Sardines and Generally Clean People Collide

I really love, I mean love, hanging out with middle school students. They bring my heart so much joy even when they are yelling over you, trying to jump on your back... even when they throw sardines, ketchup, flower, sno cone syrup and chocolate sauce all over you while you're wearing a giant baby costume. Just in case you're thinking this is very difficult to imagine, I've supplied you with photographic evidence. Suffice it to say, it was not my favorite day at Vertical, but despite smelling like rotten fish and sugar all night, it was one of my favorite days!! For our fall kick off we had nearly 50 students come, many of whom I'd never met. It was a little crazy, but extremely fun, and I'm excited to see what God does with this upcoming year.

This Sunday K2 launches it's south campus and relaunches its north campus complete with an all acoustic service. I'm getting anxious to see what happens on Sunday. We've been inviting people to Question God, and some of the questions are pretty intense. In addition, we are launching a Sunday school type class for middle school students during one of the services, which should be an awesome way to connect with some of the students we don't get to see on Mondays. It is an exciting time in the life of Vertical and K2!


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